There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his hors
R.S. Surtees

Friday, April 20, 2012

What Was I Thinking?

So, what makes an adult woman with no previous inclination or desire to ride a horse suddenly decide to take horseback riding lessons, ever mindful that:

a) the cost of a block of private lessons could easily buy a rockin’ pair of Sam Edelman shoes (yes, I care about shoes, deeply);

b) I'm a middle aged woman whose “core muscles” have deferred to time and taste buds;

c) I have been made acutely aware by family members that a catastrophic fall from a cantering horse could prematurely put me in adult diapers; and

d) there seems to be no real purpose or goal to my riding. Nevertheless, there’s a will... a strong, deep, ineffable call to keep going... destination unknown.

Therefore, this blog is simply about the journey.

I started taking lessons just six months ago, with a three-month interruption for my father’s sudden illness and death. I now have approximately 15 hours in the saddle, but I’ll start this chronicle with my first lesson at a small riding stable that specializes in “natural horsemanship.” It was great background for the screenplay I was writing at the time (the protagonist is sent to a remote guest ranch that doubles as a equine-based healing center). Little did I know that life would imitate art.  

Hold your horses -- more to come! ;)

Seeking from the saddle,
MidLife Rider

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